Edit Details SunFish Guide
Click link one of the elements to edit detail, and the following page will appear.
- Edit and input order number to display SunFish Guide in Display Order column. If column is empty, SunFish Guide will appear as in data input order
- Select option on Placement to determine SunFish Guide position when it is displayed.
Default: SunFish Guide will appear in the center of the screen on that page link. The same position applies if Element column is empty.
Top: SunFish Guide will apear above Element.
Left: SunFish Guide will apear on the left of Element.
Bottom: SunFish Guide will apear below Element.
Right: SunFish Guide will appear on the right Element.
- Tick Disabled Backdrop column to deactive the page or backdrop the page when displaying SunFish Guide.
- Edit and input id element to Element column if developer want to display SunFish Guide from each element on that page link, e.g. "header_ardata_1_2" on page link "sys.setting.reference.sftour.listing".
- Edit and input title to each SunFish Guide to Title column.(*)
- Edit and input additional information to each SunFish Guide Content column.
- Condition: It functions to save script containing specific condition to display SunFish Guide.
- Tick checkbox on Status column to activate SunFish Guide.
Click to cancel saving data and back to the main page. Click to save data.