
This menu is used to display the data of applicant that applies for certain position offered by the company. Also, it is used to show the step status of applicant whether it is new, processed, or hired. Besides, the applicant information can be viewed in this menu. To access this menu, go to Recruitment > Applicant.

This page displays the information about applicant's name, position, step, status, reason, score, and move to. At the end of the page, there is a selected information of applicant about photo, step, status, schedule date, time, actual date, actual PIC, score, and notes. The following page is the index page of Applicant menu.

There are some functions of this menu, which are Add Applicant, Edit Applicant, Search Applicant, Filter Applicant, Display Detail of Qualification and Applicant Information.

This page shows the applicant applying for certain position, and it will show the stage that applicant has passed. The following example displays "David Yahya" as an applicant who applied for HR Supervisor position with “new” step, and the status is still marked with which means it is new. Only the authorized collaborator that can set this status. The collaborator can change the status into which means that the applicant will proceed to the next step. The user can view "Move To" column that will be automatically changed into the next step according to the setting in menu Selection Type Series; however, it is able to be remodified. At the next step, there will appear the fields of schedule date and time in which the user can fill.

If the collaborator selects , then the "Move To" column will be automatically filled with "Rejected" which means the submitted application of the applicant has been rejected.

Click icon to save the data, and click icon to refresh the page.

Only PIC related to each selection step, that can give the score. PIC can determine the next step using the same method of the collaborator, but the difference in PIC is that there is a Score column which is used to determine the score of the selection step. The Reason and Detail columns can be filled according to the configuration in Selection Type menu. If any note is needed then the PIC can input it in Notes column for the selection type.

If the configuration in Selection Type uses Library, then the PIC can click Detail to input the score in detail for the selection step.

The assessment will continuously be done by the PIC until the final step of selection. The "Pass" status for the final step of selection will display “Hired” automatically in "Move To" column. The option in "Move To" column is the setting of the existing selection step. The following steps are the additional steps.

  1. Finalist: If there are some passed applicants that still can be considered to be hired.
  2. On Hold: If there is an applicant having the average score but still can be considered when there is no better applicants.
  3. Rejected: The applicant is rejected.
  4. Hired: The applicant is hired

Click a position to display the details of qualification as in the following picture.

Click icon to display the details of applicant information as in the following picture.

Click the PDF icon to display Personal Particular in PDF format.

At the left side, there is a filter function to sort the total of applicant that can be viewed according to position or step. The user can also click a position or step that will be displayed.

On the explanation above, the page uses the old appearance of UI. Moreover, there is a new appearance set in Setting > System Setting > System Parameter > Company Parameter Setting > Tab Recruitment . The following page will appear:

To see the new appearance, check the radio button New and click Submit to save the data. The appearance will appear as the following:

Then, click the link in Applied column to see the new appearance. The appearance is shown in two types of view which are List and Grid. The page will show as the following:

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