Employee Request Report
This sub-menu is used to generate employee request reports such as Attendance Correction, Leave Request, Attendance Overtime Request, and etc. To access this sub-menu, go to Employee > Employee Request > Employee Request Report and this following page will appear
To generate any Employee Request Report, follow this steps:
1. On the Request Type filter, click the dropdown to display the report selection then choose the report to be generated.
2. On the Status selectbox, select the request status that will be displayed,user can select multiple request status.
3. On the Request Date, choose from and to date by clicking the calendar icon
4. On Employee, user can select one or some employees by moving employee names from left to the right box using the button.
To view request reports of all employee, click the All Employee radio button
To display employee request data based on certain filters such as organization unit, worklocation, position and etc, click
Once the Filter button is clicked, the following page will appear
To show all employees in the organization unit, uncheck the 'Any' radio button in the Organization Unit and select the Organization unit which has subordinates. Leave the Inclusive radio button checked and you can can also check the worklocation, position and the other filters,depends on what criteria you want the reports to be displayed. Once you`re done, click
Notice that the employee number change from 70 to 71 after the Inclusive filter applied
5. Once you`re done, click to preview the report, then this following page will appear
6.You can also display the Approval Data and Waiting Approver for requests which haven`t been verified or partially approved by ticking the radio buttons
7.Once the radio button are ticked, click to preview the report
8.Click to display the report in Excel format. Click to display the report in PDF.
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