Edit Family and Dependent Information

Click the link in Family Member column to open Edit Family and Dependent page. The following page will appear:

Edit or complete family and dependent information by following these steps:

  1. Family member's name
    Edit this field by filling the name proposed. After the name has been edited, click Submit to save the data. Moreover, the request of editing data will be received by approver. Once approved, the inbox will appear as the following.

  2. Relationship
    Edit this field by selecting the relationship using select then choose the correct relationship.

  3. Birth place
    You can use to edit birth place. Input the first three letters to show the suggestion tip.
  4. Birth date
    Edit the birth date by clicking the calendar icon and choose the date.
  5. Occupation
    Define the position if the family member has a job.
  6. Dependant
    If the family mamber is a dependant, tick "Yes".
  7. Marital Status
    Choose the marital status by clicking pilih and choose the right option.
  8. Blood Type
    Choose the family member's blood type by clicking pilih and choose the right option.
  9. Gender
    Choose the gender by ticking the radio button in front of the option. pilih and choose the right option.
  10. Phone
    Input the family member's phone number (follow the example). If family member has more than one phone number, seperate by using comma (,).
  11. Address
    Input the family member's address.
  12. Supporting Document
    If there is a supporting document about the family member and the dependent, tick "Yes".
  13. Status
    Tick "Deceased" if the family member is deceased.

    After finish editing the data, click submit to save the data changes. Click cancel to cancel the changes. Click delete to erase the current displayed information.

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